Create Token

Once an application is connected to Martian wallet via connect method, an app can request the user to create a token using window.martian.createToken()and it will return a Promise that resolves when the user accepts the request and reject (throw when awaited) when the user declines the request or request is not valid/fails. It takes twelve parameters listed below

  • Collection name = Name of the collection

  • Token name = Name of the token

  • Token description = Token description

  • Token supply = Total supply of the token

  • Token url = URL of the token

  • Royalty payee address? = The royalty_payee_address is address that royalty is paid to. Default is creator's address

  • Royalty points denominator? = The quantity royalty_points_numerator / royalty_points_denominator is the percentage of sale price (Royalty) should be paid to the payee address. It can be a single owner's account address or an address of a shared account owned by a group of creators. Default is 0

  • Royalty points numerator? = The quantity royalty_points_numerator / royalty_points_denominator is the percentage of sale price (Royalty) should be paid to the payee address. It can be a single owner's account address or an address of a shared account owned by a group of creators. Default is 0

  • Property keys? = The property_keys are the property key value pairs that can be stored, read and write on-chain. Default is []

  • Property values? = The property_values are the property key value pairs that can be stored, read and write on-chain. Default is []

  • Property types? = The property_types are the property key value pairs that can be stored, read and write on-chain. Default is []

  • max? = The maxium of tokens can be minted from this token. Default is 9007199254740991

Below is an example code describing the way to create a token.

// Create a token
const txnHash = await window.martian.createToken("ColName123", "TokenName", "TokenDescription", 1, "", 1)

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